Geeks Next Door

Episode 73: Eclipse of Regret

Episode Summary

The Geeks ram through the atmosphere like rays of light from the sun mixing with reflections of rays of light from the moon! Eclipse! Get it? Eclipse! We get all goo goo over the moon rotating 93,000 miles in front of the Sun, Delve into Netflix founders MoviePass, and ask the age old question, who will die in this week's Game of Thrones episode? It's a rough, cold universe. Once in a while something magical happens. Let's make some magic. Let's go!

Episode Notes

The Geeks ram through the atmosphere like rays of light from the sun mixing with reflections of rays of light from the moon! Eclipse! Get it? Eclipse! We get all goo goo over the moon rotating 93,000 miles in front of the Sun, Delve into Netflix founders MoviePass, and ask the age old question, who will die in this week's Game of Thrones episode? It's a rough, cold universe. Once in a while something magical happens. Let's make some magic. Let's go!